The career management feature provides role definitions & expectations, role assessments, and growth opportunities for everyone in the organization. These components help ensure that you and your manager have a common understanding of what is expected of you, and how you are performing relative to the expectations of your role. Growth opportunities help you and your manager create effective professional development plans that are aligned to specific areas of your current role or potential future roles.
Viewing your career page
To view your career page, click on "Career" in the left navigation.

Managers and admins with content visibility of others can view the career page of their direct and indirect reports on their reports' profile pages. To view another team member's profile page, search for them in the dropdown menu under "Show role for". You will only see the names of people whose career page you can view.

Defining and editing a role
To define a role, click the “Set up role” button, or the "Edit role" button if a role definition has already been started. From the edit role form, a role template can be selected or a role can be defined by adding responsibilities or competencies manually. Currently, only admins can create role templates, that will normally include 2-5 responsibilities and a set of competencies, while employees and managers can set up and augment a role manually. For more info about creating role templates see the Creating role templates article (admins only).

Future roles
Up to 4 future roles can be added to a career profile at any given time. Future roles are intended as a way for you to indicate which roles you may be interested in at a future time, see role expectations for different roles, and identify growth opportunities to help you work towards being ready to move into a potential future role.
Future roles do not have to be roles you are already planning to move into. Future roles can be several steps ahead, or they can be roles you are simply exploring to see how interested you may be in that role at some point.
Assessments can be optionally enabled for each role responsibility and competency. Assessments help you and your manager review where you are with that particular responsibility. Both you and your manager can assess each responsibility, which allows you to see where you may be misaligned with your manager's expectations, at which point a conversation is needed to get back in alignment.
Pre-made role templates will have assessments added at the discretion of the admins who have created the template. You can assessments for additional responsibilities added when adding a current or future role by checking off "Enable self and manager assessments for this responsibility".

To add a self-assessment for your own role or a manager assessment for your report' click on "Update assessment" underneath the description for the responsibility or competency.

You have the option of three assessment values:
- Developing
- Meeting expectations
- Exceeding expectations
Additional details can also be added for context on an assessment. The additional details can be used to surface specific projects or actions you've taken to exhibit the behaviors needed for the responsibility area.

Growth opportunities & action items
Once a role has been defined, growth opportunities can be added to each of the responsibility areas. Growth opportunities allow you and your manager to define areas that you can work on to be more effective in that specific responsibility area. To the right of the responsibility or competency click on "+ Add new" and enter a description of an area for growth.

Once a growth opportunity has been added, action items can be added to specify and track individual activities that support attaining/improving a new skill set. Links to supporting documents can also be added under "Evidence" for reference and discussion.

Note: Growth opportunities are attached to a specific responsibility, or a competency, to ensure that development efforts are going to have a meaningful impact on the key areas of the role. If a growth opportunity does not align with a responsibility in a current or future role, it might be good to consider if that is really the highest priority item for you to focus on.