
Paycor Legacy Support

July 27th, 2024 Updated
The Auto-Fill feature is available when subscribed to an Advanced plan, and is only eligible via the Open Shifts row. These shifts have specific requirements that need to be met by the staff members that are eligible like Location, Job, Availability, etc. For more information on open shifts, please review the Managing Open Shifts article.
Once an Open Shift has been created, you can of course choose to assign it directly to a staff member, but the Auto-Fill feature will automatically assign it to a staff member that is eligible to pick it up. To do so, simply click the Auto-Fill button, and Paycor Scheduling will do the rest. This can be achieved for one shift, or multiple. It depends on the amount of open shifts created in the Open Shifts row.
Shifts can also be automatically assigned via the Advanced Mode panel when creating or editing shifts. Additionally, you can adjust the amount of shifts that should be automatically assigned. Please see the example image below.
The Auto-Fill feature takes into consideration the Location, Job, Department, From / To time, Availability, and Ranking. More information on Ranking, you can review the Training Session: Settings Configuration video. To expand, saved shifts, as well as published shifts, are supported for the Auto-Fill feature. If there are more open shifts available than the amount of staff members, or the staff members do not meet the shift requirements, an error message will be received at the top of the page.



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