Getting Started with Feedback Checklist

Paycor Legacy Support

July 27th, 2024 Updated

Table of Contents

This checklist provides a high level overview of key areas for you to consider for rolling out Feedback. Click on the links for a detailed description of each step. You can view the full guide here: Getting Started with Your Feedback Program.

You can download a PDF version of the checklist to keep track of your progress here: [Feedback Checklist]


  1. Watch the Feedback feature walkthrough & read the job aids
    1. Optional: Read through supporting material on Feedback
  2. Determine your Feedback program:
    1. Are you running a program where you would like your people to seek feedback directly for themselves, seeking feedback on behalf of others or are you running a company team or group survey?
    2. What is the purpose of the feedback? Is this an ad-hoc growth and development option for people or is this part of a broader program such as a Reviews process or e-NPS / engagement survey?
  3. Identify your participants / respondents:
    1. Who are your participants, and will you be asking for anonymous or identifiable responses?
    2. Is the timing of this survey appropriate for the audience? (e.g., avoid peak work periods where possible)
  4. Create / adapt your Feedback template:
    1. What template are you going to use? Is this relevant for all people / departments? Are the questions easy to understand and respond to effectively?
    2. Will you be able to use/action all the data collected from questions you asked?
  5. Communication & training
    1. Have you mapped out training or information sessions for people to ask questions and surface concerns regarding the process (in particular if this is a new program for your company)?
    2. Are your Managers equipped to debrief feedback with their team members? (especially relevant for Feedback for Coworkers)
    3. Are people adequately prepared to complete their feedback surveys? Is there a feedback framework that you need to incorporate into training or is a refresher needed on core competencies or core value definitions and what they mean to equip people to respond appropriately to questionnaires? (especially if you are assessing competencies in your surveys)
    4. Are people clear on the purpose, outcome, identifiability, timing and support available for this Feedback?
  6. Closing the Feedback loop
    1. If this is a company survey, how will the aggregated company and team results be communicated and how will Managers and Teams be supported to action key findings?
    2. If this is a multi-rater or individual survey on behalf of others, are Managers equipped to debrief results to team members and are there clear action outcomes from the Feedback report? Will the report be shared with participants before their meeting, during or after?
    3. If this feedback that has been sent directly from an individual, do they feel equipped to take action on outcomes and surface these to their Managers to support their growth and development?