Exporting your Data

Paycor Legacy Support

July 27th, 2024 Updated

You can download your organization's data in bulk or customize your exports at any time.

Exporting all your organization's data in bulk

If you are an Administrator, you can export the general contents under each module through Org. Settings>Export (Performance Settings>Export for Paycor HCM)

The exports will include general data on each of the different modules in Excel, and they take about 1 hour to be processed and emailed to you.

All Reviews is not marked by default as it is a type of report that will take an additional 1-2 hours to be processed. It will download separate spreadsheet files for each Review, as well as a zip file containing individualized PDF files for each employee for each process.

Note on Careers data: At this time it is not possible to run an export via this page. Please contact your CSM or Support to request it.

Customized in-app reports

Each module in the system has an export function that allows you to customize the type of report that you need.

  • Objectives: Under the Objective Explorer you can customize your data output by using several filters and parameters. This is a very comprehensive tool designed for in-app reporting, but the results can also be exported to a spreadsheet format. Click here for more information.


  • 1-on-1s: Depending on your content level access you can export based on specific templates and how they are used.


  • Recognitions: You can export based on the filters, by user or department or a timeframe.


  • Feedback: At this time, exports will have to be specific to a feedback request process. You can export your data by clicking on the specific request and the export option will be available under the left-hand options.


  • Reviews: The export options can be found under the Progress and Reports page after selecting the specific Review.


  • Activity and Engagement data can also be downloaded anytime under the Reporting page. This includes
    • overall system usage & engagement;
    • feature-specific engagement for Objectives, 1-on-1, and Recognition;
    • People Analytics data (if Careers is enabled).