Overview to HRIS Sync Integrations

Paycor Legacy Support

July 27th, 2024 Updated

Please note: This article only applies to standalone customers. This article does not apply to those who are integrated into the broader Paycor HCM platform.

Normal Sync

Users can still be added to 7Geese directly if desired. These users will be editable from 7Geese, but the users who exist in 7Geese as well as in your HRIS system will be automatically updated.

1-to-1 Sync

All users who are in 7Geese, but not in your HRIS system, will be deactivated. New users can only be added to 7Geese by adding them into your HRIS system.

Regardless of the syncing type you select, the integration will auto-sync on the hour, every hour. You can see when the next auto-sync will occur by going back to the edit integration page. 

Note: If you need to sync before the auto-sync simply click 'verify settings' and the sync will occur as soon as you verify again.


Syncing Behaviours

The HRIS sync integration will help you efficiently manage your team's information in one tool, rather than have to duplicate efforts across multiple platforms as information changes. Before setting up the integration it's important to know what to expect to ensure you are selecting the right sync type.

Once the integration is established, here's what can be expected:

Normal Syncing

Adding New Users: Users can be added both in app and in your HRIS. If a user is added first in the HRIS they will automatically sync, appearing in app afterwards. If a user is added first in app they will be managed only in app, not appearing in your HRIS.

Updating Existing User Information: Pre-existing users in app will only be updated if they exist as an employee in your HRIS. If they do, your HRIS will now manage the employee data and the user's information can only be edited via your HRIS. If they do not exist in your HRIS, the user remains editable in app.

1-on-1 Syncing

Adding New Users: With the integration enabled you can add users in your HRIS system only. If a user is added to your HRIS system they will automatically sync, appearing in app. A user cannot be added first in app.

Updating Existing User Information: Pre-existing users in app will only be updated if they exist in your HRIS. Your HRIS will now manage the employee data and the user's information can only be edited via your HRIS. If they do not exist in your HRIS, the user remains in app and will be deactivated if not added to your HRIS.

Department Data

Adding New Departments: With the integration enabled, across both syncing types you can add departments both in app and within your HRIS. If a department is added first to your HRIS they will automatically sync, appearing in app. If a department is added first in app they will be managed only in app, not appearing in your HRIS.

Editing Existing Departments: Pre-existing departments in app will only be updated if they exist in your HRIS. Your HRIS will now manage department data. Information can only be edited via your HRIS for these departments. If a new department is added in app, it can be edited in app only and will not populate into your HRIS.

Optionally Syncing Fields

If you want to only sync certain fields from your HRIS system into 7Geese, you can accomplish this by picking the fields you want to be synced in the Choose Fields to Sync section of your integration.

The options available for each field are:

Don't sync field: Uncheck the checkbox beside the field you don't want to sync. The field will not be synced with your HRIS. The current value of the field will be maintained in app.

Always sync field (default): Check the checkbox beside the field name and pick Always use HRIS value from the dropdown menu. Syncing will always override any value in app with the value in your HRIS system.

Don't override existing Paycor data: Check the checkbox beside the field name and pick Don't overwrite existing Paycor data from the dropdown menu. Syncing will only override data in app from your HRIS if the current value in app is blank.

Ignoring Syncing Users

You may not want to sync certain accounts in your HRIS system such as service accounts. You can use the Ignore syncing these users field to prevent these accounts from being synced to 7Geese. You can add multiple email addresses or HRIS IDs separated by commas to this field to prevent multiple users from being synced. To find the HRIS ID of a user in your HRIS system, refer to the documentation of your HRIS system.

Normal Sycning

Ignored user exists in app but not in your HRIS: The user will remain in their current state in app. You can still manually manage and use the account. If the user is later added to your HRIS, they will not be synced with Paycor.

Ignored user exists in your HRIS but not in app: The user will not. be added to Paycor.

Ignored user exists in app and your HRIS: The user will remain in their current state in Paycor. You can still manually manage and use the account. If the user is later modified in the HRIS, it will not be synced in app.

1-on-1 Syncing

Ignored user exists in app but not in your HRIS: The user will remain in their current state in Paycor. You can still manually manage and use the account. If the user is later added to your HRIS, it will not be synced in app.

Ignored user exists in your HRIS but not in app: The user will not be added to Paycor.

Ignored user exists in app and your HRIS: The user will remain in their current state in Paycor. You can still manually manage and use the account. If the user is later modified in the HRIS, it will not be synced with Paycor.

Preparing Your Data

Before setting up the integration, now that you are familiar with sync types, it's important to ensure your data is prepared in your HRIS system. Here are a few important reminders:

1-to-1 Syncing

  • Ensure all employees that are currently in 7Geese are added to HRIS system to avoid user deactivation 

Both Syncing Types

  • Double check that your employee details (phone numbers, employee IDs, etc.) in your HRIS system are up-to-date. 
  • Users being managed by your HRIS system will have their records in 7Geese overwritten. 
  • Check your reporting managers in your HRIS system. What is listed in your HRIS system will be reflected in 7Geese. 
  • Make sure all your domains (@yourcompanyhere.com) are merged into your pre-existing 7Geese organization. If this is not the case, contact support@7geese.com and we can set this up.

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