SFTP Integration

Paycor Legacy Support

July 27th, 2024 Updated

Please note: This article only applies to standalone customers (7Geese), it does not apply to those who are integrated into the broader Paycor HCM platform. Click the link if you're based in the US and want to learn more.

When enabled this integration will periodically check an SFTP server for a file to use to synchronize users. The integration uses the user’s email to match users in the file to users in the Application. The configured SFTP server and file directory will be checked once per day. The newest file in that directory will be used for synchronization.

Please note: Any file older than 24 hours will be ignored.





The server address of the SFTP server

SFTP Username

The username to login into the SFTP server

SFTP Password

The password for the user


The folder on the SFTP server that will be checked for sync files

Sync Type

Normal Syncing - Users can be added to Paycor directly and will be automatically added or deactivated based on their status in the latest SFTP file.

1:1 Syncing - All users who are in Paycor, but not in the latest SFTP, will be deactivated.

Choose fields to sync

Can be used to sync or not sync the various fields as selected. If a field is not selected its value will not be synced even if present in the sync file

Choose Which Users to Sync

Sync all users - All users that are present in the sync file will be synced

Only sync users that match a set of rules - Only users that match the rules defined in this section will be synced

Set employees' first name to their preferred name (if available)

If checked, will set the PREFERRED_FIRST_NAME field as the user’s first name.

After entering or changing configuration information the “Verify Settings” button is used to check the configuration and if everything is correct then it can be saved. This means there must be a valid file on the SFTP server to check the configuration. It does not have to have any rows other than the header row, but it will give some info if it is a valid file, such as the users, departments, and locations to be synced, etc.

File Format

  • File must have a .csv suffix
  • A header row is required
  • Order of fields not important
  • Case of fields is not important
  • Only required field is email, although it is obviously not useful on its own
  • Any fields not defined here but present in the csv file will be ignored
  • Available fields:

Field Name



email address

** Required. It is used as the sync key to match users


First Name


Last Name


Position Title




Name of Department.

Nested departments can be specified by separating them with >

e.g. “Product > Engineering”


Hire Date


email address of user’s Manager

** If found will set the user's manager


Will be used instead of FIRST_NAME as user’s first name, if present and the option Set employees' first name to their preferred name (if available) is enabled.


Is the user active?

User is marked active or not. If not empty, then a “truthy” value will set the user to active and any other value will mark user as deactivated.
Currently accepted “truthy” values are active, true, 1, yes